How to Center a DIV

3 min read|

April 14, 2024

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If you're here to figure out how to center that DIV, well, you came into the right and wrong place!

CSS is probably one of the most hated language on planet earth, correct me if I'm wrong.

There are things to love

Let's be real here. We all love CSS animations. We all ADMIRE CSS stylings. I mean who doesn't love seeing the background color changes as you change some code? That's what hooked all of us in CSS at first.

We thought, "Oh, this is how I apply colours to my app! Super cool! I love CSS."


The hated aspects of CSS

The true parts that everyone hates about CSS are two main ones:

  1. Layouting (e.g.: Centering a DIV - a classic - this is why you're here probably)
  2. Specificity (e.g.: Your styles won't apply no matter what you do! - and some use !important all the time, understandably)
  3. Selectors (e.g.: How on earth does the `nth()` work?!)

Why the hate?

We all hate things we can't understand easy. Why no one hates HTML? Well, it's easy to learn. Very straightforward. Not much to learn really is it?

By the way, Shoutout to W3Schools for its beginner friendly tutorials. Although the best path to follow is MDN, but hey, we all start from somewhere :)

But back to CSS...

CSS does not play. You either submit or you give up. At least this is how it looks like in the beginning!

There are various "correct" ways to achieve something in CSS. Almost no one is wrong ("if it works, don't touch it" kinda vibe).

Despite that, there is almost always a better solution to implement layouts.

You may or may not know that back in the early 90's, developers used HTML `<table>` tag for layouting.

Things were simpler back then. There were no other way to do layouts in CSS. However, developers realized that tables should be used for just tabular data. Any other use-cases for `<table>` defeats the purpose of accessiblity.

Hence, handling layouts using CSS became more popular and in the late 90's, developers used CSS Positions to layout things on their pages.

Fast forward to the mid 2000s. CSS has floats and display. Huge changes! Yet, it was a pain to do layouting. Until Grid and Flexbox were introduced.

How can you unhate these?

Well, spending time and investing on Grid and Flexbox has made CSS more enjoyable for me.

If you're geniunely here to know how to center a DIV, it means you're not familiar with Flexbox and/or Grid.

I actually believe that everyone can get good at CSS layouting by mastering Flexbox and Grid.

And I have the best resources to share with you.

I'm not sponsored by any of them. This is merely my geniune goal to see others see what I'm seeing. Brings me joy.

To learn Flexbox the interactive way, I'd recommend playing the Flexbox Forggy game.

There's also a similar game for learning Grid. Checkout CSS Grid Garden

For my manual reader fellows, I have alternatives: A guide to Flexbox from CSS Tricks A guide to Grid from CSS Tricks

You are going to become the master of DIV centering.

I would recommend you to read the P.S. note after you learned these two.

P.S. The joke is not even funny. We all know how to center a DIV.

So, How do you center a DIV?

Well, use flexbox or grid. Flexbox has an easier learning curve, so I'd recommend using that most of the time.

Imagine you have a container (could be any element) and you want to center another element (any element) inside it.

<div class="parent"> <div class="child"> I'm centered, I guess. </div> </div>
.parent { display: flex; justify-content: center; align-items: center; }

That's it. You're done. You've centered a DIV.

Note: The rest of this article contains my opinions and thoughts on the the other two hated aspects of CSS.

CSS selectors are Fascinating

CSS selectors, in my opinion, are one of the most genius engineering pieces in Web Development.

jQuery engineers knew this very well, and that's why they adapted CSS selectors in one of the core parts of their library, which is the element selector (the `$('#root')` syntax).

You can select any element in the DOM you want. You can do as simple as `.your-dad` which selects all elements that have "your-dad" class in their class list. Or, you can do `#your-uncle` which selects the element that has "your-uncle"s ID.

More complex examples are selecting nth element. Doing these things in JavaScript is absurd when you have such powers in CSS.

There are fascinating websites that are made with no JavaScript to showcase the power of CSS.


Browsers have CSS styles by default. So, our CSS styles apply on top of those. In a CSS file, the latest styles preceed the rest of the styles. But even knowing all these is not enough to understand why your new `background-color` style doesn't do anything! And the only wayaround you see on stackoverflow is to use `!important`.

Well, the issue with using `!important` is it is easy to over-use. If everything is important, then nothing is important anymore. It loses its meaning.

My preferred solution is to either find out where the problem lies, OR first understand how CSS specifity really really works. Instead of getting frustrated and using !important, start thinking about an alternative to select the elements you want in a more specific way.

As a result of that, your CSS code will become much more direct and specific (duh), and you won't fall into the trap of `!important` soup.

For example, if your `border` doesn't seem to apply to your `.navbar-item`, try selecting the elements by their tag name. Maybe you have `li` tags having this class. So, you can select `li.navabar-item`. That itself just became more specific.

It's not CSS' fault.

Don't hate the game. Hate the player. (Disclaimer: Don't actaully hate yourself. It was a figure of speech).

Get good at specificty, and you will no longer find yourself confused and in shambles.

""" Specificity is the algorithm used by browsers to determine the CSS declaration that is the most relevant to an element, which in turn, determines the property value to apply to the element. """

Literally the first sentence of the first paragraph of MDN. You don't need `!important` every time.

It was a mistake.

A piece of Art

If you ask me, CSS is a piece of art. It is one of the most sophisticated and well-engineered scripting languages ever existed.

It is one of the most hated languages to the point that everyone avoids discussing CSS or even memeing about it. The only jokes made for CSS are basically made to show how disgusting, confusing, and stubborn this tool is.

I hope I could convince you to ponder and maybe love CSS for its bless and not its pain-inducing nature.

